
Autumn 2020, to combat the isolation of the COVID lockdowns, we trialled a new style project based on human biology. The aim was to support and encourage parents to feel able to engage in science based learning with their children using regular items you would usually find at home, as well as providing regular contact, friendship and support during the lockdown for families. 

There’s A Caveman in My Body was a multisensory project with weekly zoom sessions and a home kit of resources where each week we completed a hands-on activity to support learning a different part of the human body. 

What We Did

Families each received a home kit full of resources needed for each weeks activities. Making use of the online Zoom platform, we engaged in weekly virtual lessons. For the majority of children – particularly those with complex needs, it was the first time for them to take part in live virtual learning. Each week we explored a different area of the body and completed a hands-on activity together. 

Making replicas, learning about all the systems within our body and how they support each other. 

Lots of learning, sometimes lots of mess but always lots of fun. 

The Results

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