About Us
Who are Mountain Movers?
The early days.....
Mountain Movers was founded by a group of home educators in a local community centre near Aberdulais Falls in 2017.
It quickly outgrew the centre and found it’s new home in Rhos Community Centre where families enjoy coming together to support each other in their home education journey.
Individual and inclusive......
Our aims:
To provide a warm, inviting space for families to gather together. Where support, advice and friendship comes alongside a cuppa!
To offer support and signposting to relevant local services/organisations.
Some families need the extra support from those have been home-educating for longer, or perhaps have children with similar needs – we give parents the opportunity for peer support and children the chance to build on their developing social skills.
Why Home Education?
The reasons why a family chooses to home educate their child are infinite. Problems with bullying, poor mental health &/or unmet additional learning needs (ALN) are the most common reasons given when a family deregisters their child from school. Around 90% of families in Mountain Movers have a child with an additional learning need.
The Future
The common end goal that unites us, is in the respecting and enjoyment of the precious time that is our children’s childhood.
By supporting them in this crucial time to reach their potential, guiding and stretching them towards independence and equipping them with vital resilience and wellbeing tools for life. We are looking to help them build towards a life of happiness, self-confidence and a passion for lifelong, self-directed learning – one of life’s golden skills and one that is becoming more important as the world continues to rapidly change.
We all shine more when we are given the freedom to work on what we love.
Sir Richard Branson
At Mountain Movers, everyone is accepted and valued for who they are.
If you would like further information on Mountain Movers or home education in general, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us for a chat.